Om kurset

Dato: 20. februar 2024

Normally, when we think of or hear about Africa what comes to our minds are hunger, conflicts, corruption and military rules. 
These problems are still common in many parts of the continent due different factors. However, like everywhere else, there is another side of the story about Africa. This is the story which I will try to share through this webinar that focuses on the rapid youth driven innovation in various fields of creativity, design, entrepreneurship, film, music.

Webinaret afholdes den 20. februar 2024 kl. 15.00 - 16.00 og er for elever, undervisere og andre interesserede.


Webinarer der omhandler EU og det europæiske fællesskab er støttet af Europa-Nævnet, og webinarer der omhandler globale emner er støttet af Dansk Folkeoplysnings Samråd.