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Forslå tidspunkt for udførelse på følgende webinarer, hvor eleverne på forhånd har set den tilknyttede Horisont udsendelse (15 min. introduktion + 45 min. Q&A):

1. Den uovervindelige by under jorden (efter 1/3)
v/Matilde Kimer, DR korrespondent 
Hvordan overlever man at bo i frontlinjebyer under konstante angreb? Tag med Matilde Kimer til byen under jorden - til det ukrainerne kalder et "uovervindelighedspunkt". Udløber: 28. nov 2024

2. Børnene bag muren (efter 25/2)
v/Steffen Kretz, DR korrespondent
Yedidya og Baylasan vokser op med kun 30 kilometer imellem sig, men de lever i hver deres verden - adskilt af mure. Hvad tænker jødiske og palæstinensiske børn om krigen - og om hinanden? Og hvad er deres drømme for fremtiden? 

3. Ædelstensjægerne 
v/Lasse Engelbrecht, DR korrespondent
Danske Iver Rosenkrantz er godsejer og ædelstensjæger. Tag med ham til de øde og ufremkommelige egne i det nordlige Kenya for at følge hans jagt på sten som safirer og rubiner. Størstedelen af Afrikas ædelsten bliver fundet af lokale i helt små miner, hvor man arbejder alene eller i små grupper for at finde rigdommen. Spørgsmålet er, hvem der bliver rige på Afrikas undergrund.

4. Putins indoktrinering af Rusland (efter 1/3)
v/Matilde Kimer, DR korrespondent
I Rusland drømmer nogle børn om at ofre sig for Moderlandet. De træner i den militærlignende ungdomsbevægelse Junarmija. Samtidig strammes grebet om de børn og voksne, der drømmer om fred.

5. Country sanger med læbestift
v/Lasse Engelbrecht, DR korrespondent
Mænd med læbestift har aldrig været et hit i amerikansk countrymusik. Men i sydstaterne tager en ny generation af musikere nu både kjoler, sminke og lange øreringe med på scenen. De vil revolutionere en kristen og konservativ milliardindustri, hvor en mand altid har været en mand og en kvinde en kvinde.

Forslå tidspunkt for udførelse på følgende webinarer, som gennemføres på engelsk (45 min. oplæg + 15 min. Q&A):

1. Nikita Bulanin from Russia: On the political situation in Russia and Russia’s connection to Europe 
Nikita Bulanin is a Russian, based in Denmark. He works as an Advisor and a Project Coordinator at the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) in Copenhagen. Prior to joining IWGIA in 2019 he was working with international medical humanitarian organization Medecins sans Frontieres/Læger uden Grænser, both in different humanitarian crises around the world and also in the organization’s office in Copenhagen.  

2. Wakibu Bunnya from Uganda: On Localising the Sustainable Development Goals, and creating community engagement at a grassroots level and among youth 
Wakibu Bunnya is a social entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in youth development programming, debating, fundraising, community organizing, and non-profit start-ups. In recognition of his activism and leadership in organizing student debates, Wakibu was awarded the Youth Action Fund Award by the Open Society Institute Youth Initiative in 2008; In 2009, he would go on to found Open Space Centre, a youth-focused non-profit organization that creates dynamic spaces and opportunities for young people to fulfill their potential. He is running three projects with Crossing Borders Localising the SDGs, Green EcoLab and Amplifying localization of the SDS in Uganda. After attending the Folkemødet on Bornholm, Wakibu started his own local version in Uganda. 

3. Ibrahim Maahil Mohamed from the Maldives: On Climate change and solutions in the Maldives 
Ibrahim is a journalist and political science student from the Maldives. Ibrahim was enrolled in the Crossing Borders Global Studies program at Krogerup Højskole in 2017, and also volunteered at the Crossing Borders Organisation. Ibrahim is a strong advocate for Climate solutions, democracy, anti-corruption, peace, and peaceful coexistence. His mantra is that fight for climate change is a matter of survival for the Maldives.   

4. Dr. Mohamed Dajani of the Palestinian university in Jerusalem: The big Dreams and Small Hopes 
He has been giving talks and writing about this for over 20 years. According to Dr. Mohamed Dajani, the core problem between Israelis and Palestinians is harbouring Big Dreams according to which sooner or later the other side will disappear. For the nationalists in Israel, the Big Dreams scenario are to wake up one day and find out that the Palestinians have vanished from the face of the earth with all the mosques have turned into Synagogues and all Arab and Islamic symbols have changed into Hebrew and Jewish symbols. Likewise, for the Palestinian nationalists, the Big Dreams scenario is the opposite.However, according to the Small Hopes scenario, both Israelis and Palestinians have to recognise and accept each other based on the fact none of them is going to disappear soon. In such scenario, both sides will co-exist peacefully through intercultural and economic cooperation through joint projects and exchange at all levels for mutual benefits. Here education for peaceful co-existence and media for dialogue are key.

5. Omar Al Sayed from Palestine: On the use of art in resistance 
Omar is the founder of Artvocacy. After many years working in Crossing Borders and with NGOs in several different roles, he became aware of a major gap in the way NGOs and humanitarian efforts communicate and advocate for social change. He realized that by combining his passion for the arts with his background in the development sector, he could make a valuable contribution to civil society organizations by demonstrating complex issues engagingly and memorably with visually appealing and emotionally impactful images and videos. In connection to the current situation in Palestine, Omar shares powerful art created from real photos taken in Palestine. With his art, Omar wishes to raise awareness and generate public discourse on important issues, bringing attention to causes that may otherwise be overlooked. 

6. Salma Fikry from the Maldives: On gender, inclusion and human rights 
Salma Fikry is a Program Director at Institute of Governance and Development, Maldives. She has over 10 years of experience in rural/community development - specializing in program / project management, social and community mobilization. She is a gender and human rights advocate with a special focus on equity, democracy and inclusion. Salma is a former student of Crossing Borders global Studies at Krogerup Højskole. 

7. Youth driven innovation and tech development in Africa - afholdes 20/2 kl. 15.00-16.00
Garba Diallo, founding director and international educator
Normally, when we think of or hear about Africa what comes to our minds are hunger, conflicts, corruption and military rules. These problems are still common in many parts of the continent due different factors. However, like everywhere else, there is another side of the story about Africa. This is the story which I will try to share through this webinar that focuses on the rapid youth driven innovation in various fields of creativity, design, entrepreneurship, film, music, etc.